So, to make up for it I became very productive today. First off, I got out of bed and got dressed. That was just the start I needed. I got my kids up, took them to school, and went to work. Whew! I did have to fight with myself not to call in.
After work I cooked dinner, folded/hung/ironed all the mountains that were piling up and danced to my Pandora radio station while doing so. Then I fixed my girls beds. (It seems that they do not like sheets. Am I the only one who has to reapply sheets every morning/night?) Read them some bedtime stories and now I am off to bed. I feel so much better. I feel like I have justified my day of being a sloth.
At work in the quiet moments where I am thinking I came to some realizations.
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The main reason I have chosen the title of my blog is because I am.....a procrastinator. There. I said it. The first step is admitting it right? I need motivation to keep going sometimes, but then...who doesn't? Unfortunately being a procrastinator I need a LOT.
So some key things that I am wanting to change/do is:
Lose weight - Which means exercising and eating right. Sorry Sonic, our friendship has run it's course.
Spend more time with my husband - We need that connection that six years and four kids can sometimes take away.
Spend more time with my kids - Taking on this great job I have of teaching and helping their minds grow and enjoying the little things they bring to MY life.
Keep my house organized - I was always very organized when I was younger, but somehow it's gotten away from me. I also have a tendency to hold on to things longer than needed. Such as my high school journals.
Get closer to God - I have only really been on this path with Him for the past six years. I feel I have the potential to do more.
There it is. My list. In no certain order. This really doesn't contain ALL the things I have conjured up in my head to do before I die, but they are the most important. When talking to my mom about some of the things I've been getting frustrated with she said, "Delaina, you have all these dreams. First, start with your home." I think she meant I needed to clean, but it means something different to me.
My first realization is that I CAN LOSE WEIGHT. If I want to. I've been kind of hitting my head on the metaphorical wall thinking that I really can't. Then I see all these old friends of mine or even just acquaintances that used to be bigger and now they are all skinny. If they can do it, I CAN TOO! Why not? So, I'm starting there. We'll see where it takes me (hopefully out of the plus size section at all the clothing stores).
Another thing my mother said was that I should start going to bed when my husband does and wake up when he does. I am going to do that starting tomorrow. This will give me the time I need to get my chores done so I have time to spend with my family. I am also
Wish me luck and please, any motivational stories you may have....send them my way. Remember I need a LOT.