Hi! Hello. How are you?
So, I'm actually starting a blog. I have to say I am a little overly excited but really trying not to be a geek about it.
I started checking out blogs almost a year ago and fell in love. What is it about connecting with strangers that is so awesome? I don't know, but I'm ready to give it my own try!
So, here it is. I know it's not much to look at, but I'll get there. I went with What's My Motivation? because I really haven't quite got it figured out yet. I have the motivation to keep living but what about all the millions of things I have on my idea list? or eating healthier? or getting up earlier in the morning? or the more profound, just to be me? Like most women (or so I've heard) I think ALL. THE. TIME. I am constantly inspired by all kinds of things. My goal in life (at least right now) is to make it mine and make it simple. But I am a complicator at heart (and a procrastinator, but that's another issue for another day...LOL). Thankfully I have a wonderful husband who really does keep it simple. So he reels me back in when I'm wanting to take a right then a left and then another right to get to Walmart when we could just go straight. (OK, not literally, but you get the point)
So, I'm working on it people. I want a simpler life but...What's My Motivation? Better yet..What's Your Motivation? What gets you going? What keeps you true to yourself?
I want comments people. I want to hear what you have to say. I absolutely love when you meet someone new whether in person or over the internet and in a conversation you just *click*. I hope that we can *click*. I can't wait to get this started and share some of the things that I have been pondering. Thank you for reading and I hope you'll come back.
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