Thursday, August 26, 2010

Well, I am finding that some of my real life cheerleaders aren’t so much on the up & up with blogs. So I thought I’d fill them in as well as give those of you who are familiar something you may not have seen.

Now, I don’t know the ins and outs of blogging, all I really know is that it is a wonderful way to connect with people ”out there”, to learn something from someone with a common interest, and to be inspired to do things in your own life. I came across these blogs from an old friend (old meaning relationship, not person.) who decided to do her own blog. She seems to be in love with all things paper. Her name is Jenni and her blog is Peas {and} Tanks. She loves this world of paper so much that she has started a business called SwellMail Designs as well as a blog by the same name. You should definitely check her out.

In reading Jenni’s blogs I came across many other blogs. Some were ok and others were GREAT. For me the thing that makes them GREAT is how well I can relate. First I subscribed to The Pleated Poppy. This is where a lovely woman named Lindsey Cheney talks about her family and her love for sewing. She is a great crafter and comes up with all kinds of things for her kids. (Which are beautiful.)  She also sells her sewing creations which means she has taken something she loves and made money out of it. Jenni obviously did the same. 

They inspire me.

From here I did a lot of just looking around at the blogs she follows and the blogs they follow and so on. You can check out all the ones I follow over to the side and you may find something you like.

 My top faves are Annie Blogs and Stuff Christians Like. The two people who write these blogs are also writers.

Annie Downs from Annie Blogs is a freelance writer. She also writes a "few" other blogs and writes for inCourage on occasion. This girl is wonderful. I absolutely love her sense of humor, her positivity and the way she loves everyone around her especially God.

Jon Acuff from Stuff Christians Like now has a book out by the same title. I love his blog because it is a friendly way of making fun of Christians while being Christian. (If you know my family, then you know we love to make fun of each other….it’s our love language.) This guy is hilarious. He also has a second blog called Prodigal Son. Jon is a preacher's son and copywriter.

If you never follow any other blogs (but mine, of course) I would definitely recommend these few that I've mentioned and maybe take a gander at some on the side. 

So I won't keep you. Go ahead, family who thinks I'm crazy and don't understand me. I just wanna do me! Ahem. Excuse me for getting personal. Check em out and don't forget to follow me.

For those of you who already check out the blog world. Tell me, which ones are your faves?


  1. You can see my blog roll-- but my favorite is Jen-- a Prior FatGirl. She is amazing, witty and raw. I have gained so much from following her.

  2. Knowledge I assume? LOL! That's great, Amy. I need to check out more of those kinds of blogs.
